Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Telekinesis test

This telekinesis test is a very simple way to know how good your telekinetic abilities are. From all these sentences count how many are true for you:

• You’re not a nervous person; you give dedication and your time in everything you do.

• You meditate and usually do relaxation exercises.

• You’ve once moved the psiwheel or another object.

• You have moved the psiwheel (or another object) without using your hands (putting your hands near the object).

• You’ve moved the psiwheel (or another object) from the distance.

• You’ve moved something heavier than a psiwheel or a piece of paper.

• You can do telekinesis in public, that is to say that you can do telekinesis when someone else is with you.

• You’re able to levitate an object.

• You see progress as the time goes by. After at least 6 months of practice you find it easier to move the object you were practicing with or/and you’re able to move heavier objects.

• You’re able to move the psiwheel (or any other object) without doing before any relaxation exercise.

If 0 from all these sentences are true for you, it is evident that you haven’t read my tutorials yet, or you haven’t got enough practice.

If 1-5 from all these sentences are true for you, you are following the right path, well done!

If 5-10 from all these sentences are true for you, it is evident that you’ve read all my articles and posts, excellent work!


  1. Thanks for all of this. I have been practicing for 6 months and I have only had a little wobble, and a few mind made cracks of static electricity. I almost levitated once, but that's about it. I really needed this to boost my believe in what I am doing thanks again!

  2. Should I close my eyes while trying this?
