Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to use telekinesis

How to use telekinesis?

I’ve already talked about how to do telekinesis, how to develop telekinesis, and I’ve written a telekinesis tutorial: all in all, I’ve wrote about how to learn telekinesis. Now I’ll teach you how to use telekinesis:

1. You mustn’t use telekinesis to frighten or hurt other people, although I find it difficult to hurt other people using telekinesis. After reading the telekinesis tutorials I’ve wrote don’t expect to be like one of the X-Men, it is very difficult even just to move a little piece of paper.

2. If you want to learn telekinesis to show it to your friends and look cool, don’t talk to them about telekinesis until you’re able to use telekinesis, I mean, don’t say you’re learning to use telekinesis until you know how to move at least a piece of paper, otherwise they’ll think you’re crazy. I recommend you to not tell even your family about this, I’ve once done it and I’m really penitent.

3. Don’t try to use telekinesis if you’re nervous, you won’t be able to move anything because you really need to be relax to use telekinesis.

4. Don’t try to use telekinesis in a noisy place; you must be concentrated to do it.

5. You won’t be able to use telekinesis if you aren’t patient.

6. You won’t be able to use telekinesis if you don’t practice. You must practice every day at least 10 minutes.

7. You must believe in the existence of telekinesis. In my first tries when I wanted to use telekinesis I wasn’t able to move the psiwheel due to my beliefs. I wasn’t really sure about the existence of telekinesis. Nowadays it is easier to move it since I’m 100% percent telekinesis is a reality, my complete belief in telekinesis was after the first time I moved the psiwheel, how can I doubt about something I’ve experienced by myself? After that day all my beliefs changed, now nothing seems to make sense. I just can’t find the explanation about how can I do it; I would like to know what Isaac Newton would say about this.

These are my recommendation for all those who want to know about how to use telekinesis. I’ve already mentioned over here some points that I’ve already talked about in other articles, but I think they are very important, you mustn’t forget them.

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