Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to levitate

How to levitate? This levitation tutorial will teach you how to levitate objects. You have to go beyond very strong barriers of your mind, reason why this is one of the most difficult telekinetic abilities to learn.

To levitate think an object as if the object was hold by your hand, your hand wouldn’t let that object to fall down. The same thing happens with your mind. Your mind holds that object.

If you want to learn telekinesis and if you’re a beginner in all this stuff, you would start with a psiwheel. You must do the same thing if you want to learn to levitate, it’s preferable to start with a very easy to move object to levitate. From my point of view, you’ll learn quicker how to levitate if you start with this:

How can you build this?

1- You must look for a base: you can use a cork, a little piece of wood or card board paper, etc.

2- Now look for a needle and thrust it into the base.

3- Make a little paper ball and put it in the needle ( the needle has to go through the middle of the ball)

4. Make sure that the ball’s hole (the one through where the needle goes) isn’t very small, it mustn’t be tight to the needle.

As the above image shows (and probably you’ve already imagined it) you have to make the ball to go upwards.

How to levitate this ball? You’ve just to do the same thing as when you do telekinesis. You must relax and practice.

You can use your hands (put your hands near the object you want to levitate) if you think it might help, but you mustn’t forget that your mind is the one which makes it to levitate, not your hands.

It might be very difficult to move the paper ball during the first tries; you must take your time and practice in a relaxing way.


  1. Cant you by any chance do a youtube video showing us or have a skype session to teach because that would be awesome

  2. Please make some video on youtube so that we can watch it
    it will very nice help to us

  3. I levitate my ball bag elly nigh ...

  4. I levitate my ball bag elly nigh ...

  5. This is so cool.I tried it just after opening this page.It really works guys....just focus on it.

  6. Does it really work?, if it does... My life has changed

  7. Does it really work?, if it does... My life has changed

  8. I didn't even know telekinesis was a thing until I accidentally moved a object in school by staring and people started looking at me and I really want to take my abilities to the next level but I don't want anyone who knows me to find out.

    1. I know this is an old comment but it's best if you don't let others know. You'll be taken in for testing. I was gone for six months when I was around 9 when I did this. I did it in front of my DR when I didn't want to take a shot. I pushed the chair across the room into the nurse. I haven't shown anyone sense.

  9. Can you write more on how to levitate objects? So far, you are the only source I have seen that talks about this.

  10. can write how to levitate everything including myself?

  11. Can anyone answer who’s tried it and it works; How long did it take you to learn? Trying but getting easily discouraged because I have no confimation

  12. So caan you use it to make hevier things levatate? And is this real?! I always wanted to make things like leves apples sticks ect. And can you make a rock like a big one float?

    1. The answer is yes it's real. You need a quiet place to be able to do so. It helps if you practice White Magic already. I would start out with White Magic and work your way towards this. White Magic teaches you how to get into the mindset you'll need for telekinesis. I was born with it but practice White Magic to be able to keep up with it. It does take a lot of brain power and high end concentration. I find it's a lot easier to move objects when I'm overly angry or if I'm overly joyful. Emotions can play a huge roll in this.

  13. I'm going to try this tomorrow
